Friday, September 20, 2024

starting over again

i'm hungry.
very hungry, so i go downtown
to my
Aldos on the boulevard.
i've been going there
for years.
they know me
by name.
i know the menu
by heart.
i know Joseph at the door,
at the bar,
i know all
the wait staff.
it's a pleasant place to go
on any given night,
a refuge
of sorts, a home away
from home.
but when i peek into the window,
the room is dark,
chairs are on
the tables,
the door is locked.
the sign says we're forever
no one told me.
how was i to know?
i look around at what else
might be open.
there's Peking Gourmet
on the corner.
why not go there?
so i do.
i start over.
it's what i'm good at.

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