Monday, September 2, 2024

getting Joey Heatherton's autograph

i can't remember what
year it was,
but Bob Hope was down on 
the mall,
in Washington, putting on
a show,
in support of President Nixon.
Joey Heatherton was there,
as well as
Lola Falana,
and the Mormon Tabernacle
but we were there to protest
the war,
the Vietnam War,
remember that?
we were young, too young
to join or get drafted
yet, but we thought it might
be fun
to join in and march and
chant slogans like one two
three four we don't want
your freaking war.
plus it was a great place to meet
i really wanted to hear Bob
Hope and see Joey 
Heatherton, but kept that to
i loved his deadpan
sense of humor, and timing,
having seen all his On The Road
movies with Bing
and what wasn't there
to love about Joey Heatherton.
she was a regular
on the Dean Martin show.
oh my, those legs.
i wanted her autograph,
having brought a pen
and my autograph book,
and then the cops 
on horseback, started shooting
tear gas cannisters at
us, and chasing us with nightsticks.
all hell broke loose.
so i never got the chance.

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