Monday, September 23, 2024

open borders and no doors on the house

i get into
a big argument with my wife
over politics.
i may be
sleeping on the couch
for a few
months because of it.
she says she
believes in open borders,
that we should
let everyone in.
come one come all.
give me your tired, your poor,
your downtrodden,
so i get out my
power tools
and take all the doors
off our house.
the front door, the back door,
the side
the garage door.
she looks at me with her
hands on her hips and asks,
what are you doing?
why are you taking
all the doors off our house.
anyone can come
right on in
and kill us, or steal everything
we have.
we have little children
in our house. we need 
to protect them.
we can't let complete strangers
come into our
house when we know
nothing about them.
they could be mentally ill,
or hardened
exactly, i tell her.

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