Wednesday, September 18, 2024

hope joy and opportunity

i've been
watching way too much news
the presidential
and debates.
no matter what someone asks
i immediately let out
a loud cackling,
laugh, rolling my eyes
into my head and
tell them
that i was born into a middle
class family,
where my mother had to work
to have
money. we lived
in a neighborhood,
where people
liked their lawns.
i believe in hope and joy,
and opportunity,
do you know what a babysitter
costs these days?
or what bread
my barista looks at me,
and shakes
his head and says,
what are you babbling about?
have you lost
your mind?
i just asked you if you needed
room for cream
in your grande Americano.
a simple yes or no would
be nice.
oh, sorry, yes, i need room.
now go ahead
and ask me about
how we can close
the border, ask me about inflation
or how i can save democracy.

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