Friday, September 13, 2024

the gold service program

they offer
the gold standard service,
with it
you get a massage
as you wait,
a glass of wine,
while a three piece
band plays soft music
on a small stage.
there's an all you can
eat buffet
and a beautiful
woman in a silk
gown with long legs,
peels you grapes.
the silver service,
which offers a massage
chair that vibrates,
and sodas, chips
and dip, a garden salad
with a citrus dressing,
and a remote for the tv
in the corner.
then the bronze service,
the bronze,
gives you a People magazine
from last year,
and a cup
of coffee,
and a chair with a window
view of the parking lot.
the last
one is the tin service
the cheapest of them all,
so i oft for that.
so now,
i'm eating my bag lunch 
from home,
while i stand
in line in the pouring rain,
outside the door,
over a steam grate.

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