Friday, September 13, 2024

select your victim and send a check

the world
has shrunken to a point
never before.
we know
about the child in India,
the wars,
the dogs
in Singapore,
the homeless in
the victims from
each flood,
each tornado. we know
their faces,
their names.
the wrongly incarcerated,
the children,
the babies.
unborn or born.
we're inundated
with the victims that
with each new biased
and what are we to do 
about it?
very little, but
we feel bad
about doing nothing,
shaking our heads
at a world gone wrong.
we're all
guilty as charged, i suppose.
maybe this little offering
in a check,
will help
assuage our guilt
and help us move on.
but doubtful.

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