Friday, August 16, 2024

the rusted push mower

it was a ten
dollar yard, but i settled on
and pushed the rusted
across the street to
the house on the corner,
Mr. Brown's duplex,
not far from
our house.  i brought
my rake
and clippers
for the edges near
the fence. which i did first,
pulling weeds along
the way.
it was July.
a very hot July.
the mower didn't so much
as cut
the grass as push it down.
at the end of the day,
i used his hose
to rinse my head
and shirtless back,
and drank
the warm water slowly
going cold.
he came out at last.
he shook his head 
and went back inside,
letting the screen door slam.
he never paid me.
years later,
when i was older,
taller, maybe seventeen
by then,
he drove by our house,
and he waved
to me. 
he strangely smiled.
feeling badly perhaps
for the yard
so many years ago.

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