Saturday, August 31, 2024

the back room Holiday Inn interview

and if elected
i promise to do, or at least
about all the things
i say
i might do,
once i figure out what
they are
and which
things will get me
the most votes
in November.
but my values have
not changed
one tiny little bit
despite what i've preached
for the last ten
yes, i may be reversing
my stance
on taxes,
on fracking, on putting
behind bars, building a wall,
to all, citizens or not,
and free tuitions,
not to mention
a check for 25 k to any
and everyone
who wants to buy a house,
regardless of race, creed
or color,
or criminal status
or ability to make a mortgage
oh, and did i mention
no taxes on tips,
i just thought of that too.

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