Saturday, August 31, 2024

usually around the middle of the second year

i laugh when i'm out and about
and hear
grown men,
men with muscles
and tattoos,
important jobs,
strong virile men talk
about how
they are scared of their wives.
i can't put my
feet up on the coffee table
or watch tv
while i eat.
she makes
me take my boots
off when i come in the house.
she wants
to look at my
phone and questions every video
i've looked at and then tells me
about a trip
she's taking
to Costa Rica with her friends.
sometimes she's mad
at me and won't
even tell me why.
i have to sleep in the other
room some nights.
i feel like there are things she's
not telling me,
things she's trying to hide.
if i make one simple mistake
like leaving
the seat
up we won't have sex for a month.
i'm walking on eggshells
all day and all night.
i have to be careful
with every word
that comes out of my mouth.
how about you, they ask me.
ah, distant memories, i tell them, 
but yup,
been there, done that too.

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