Tuesday, August 27, 2024

the debate before the debate

she wants
a round table,
with flowers
and wants
sunlight coming through
the window.
wants an open mike,
with four or five
to give her advice.
he says
he doesn't care.
she wants
and an earphone,
and her husband
sitting nearby.
she wants
and coconut milk. Doritos.
he says a pastrami
sandwich from Katz's
will be fine.
with a pickle of course.
she wants to pick the questions
from the friendly 
left side
and be given
more time when she
can't remember her scripted lines.
there will be no talk
the border,
the economy,
inflation or crime.
she wants to help edit
the finished debate
and doesn't want
it televised.
he shakes his head, and sighs.

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