Wednesday, August 28, 2024

when they don't leave the nest

in looking back
over the thirty-five years
we often wonder,
did we give
the kid
too much. of course we did.
on top of
all that adoration
and love, we
we were making
up for
all the things we never
got as children. stuff.
did he get
toys, good lord, yes.
clothes and books,
every treat under the sun,
playing every sport,
musical instruments.
every day was Christmas.
did he have a pony,
a bike,
a car.
was tuition paid
cameras and phones.
and rents paid for.
did we give him too much?
of course we did.
and now we hope
that one day he'll leave
the nest
we feathered for him,
and get a job.

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