Sunday, August 25, 2024

six years later

the Jiffy
lube guy remembers me.
where have
you been? he says.
we missed you
and your Honda
car and Toyota truck.
we haven't seen you in a long
synthetic oil?
yes, i tell him. it's a long
he laughs,
women right?
of course, i tell him.
always is.
filters, he asks?
air, cabin?
sure, why not.
rotate the tires?
we top off the fluids
for free, but you know that,
thanks, i tell him.
there's coffee
and a bathroom in there,
he says,
opening the door
for me.
i sit down in the waiting
picking up
an old people magazine
with Oprah on the front,
then start reading
where i left off
six years ago.
she's finally been able
to keep
the weight off.

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