Wednesday, August 21, 2024

the democratic confection

i try
to watch, 
the sugary sweet convention,
the big fluffy pastry
of wokeness.
i try to be a good citizen
and listen
to both
sides of the story
with my ear to the tv 
to find out what
the policies are.
what the answers are to turn
this ship
crickets. just crickets.
i try hard to
settle my mind.
i sit through a few woke speeches
of the grinning has beens
that the world is fine.
we need four more years of this
cheap sour wine.
i watch with dismay
at the protests
democrats for terrorists.
part of me
is filled with disgust,
the other
is filled with sympathy
for the dying.
it's a circle of gibberish,
get an abortion
in a truck,
get a vasectomy next to
hot dog stand.
wear a dress,
wear a hat, wear a mask.
this is the our new and 
demented land.
no answers. just platitudes
and songs, grown men
wearing thongs.
now strike up the band,
let's get this party on
we can make America
worse again.

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