Wednesday, January 24, 2024

the YMCA steam bath

my wife
tells me that we need more friends
to invite to the party.
of color, she says,
you know.
brown, black, Hispanic
maybe find a transgender
or two.
all our friends
are white,
pale, and pasty.
and most of them are straight,
without piercings
or tattoos.
we need to diversify.
don't you play basketball
with some
of these kinds
of people?
i tell her yes, but, wouldn't
it be a little
strange to do this?
i would like you to meet some
gay people too, she tells me.
would you mind
going to the YMCA next week
to use the steam bath?
and then
to the parade for the gender
no, i'm not doing that.
what's wrong with you?
are you out of your mind?
calm down, she says, calm down.
i just think that we need to fit
into the world
better, i don't want us to
unwoke. you know?
people are starting to talk
about us.


Anonymous said...

An oxymoron?

Stephen Chute said...

not sure if oxymoron is the correct word for this poem...
is there a contradiction of some sort.