Thursday, January 25, 2024

ending the chicken strike

i go out
into the back yard 
to see how the chickens
are doing
and to collect
a few eggs for breakfast.
i see them
all in line,
marching together,
back and forth
holding up signs
demanding that they
become free range chickens.
they're on strike it appears.
no more eggs
until they have more space
to walk around
and pluck insects
off the ground.
i try to reason with them.
this is a townhouse,
it's a small yard,
there are condo restrictions.
but they'll have none
of it.
there's a lot of clucking
and scratching 
at the dirt,
pecking my feet with their
their little beady eyes are
bugging out of their heads
from holding back
on the eggs.
i go back in
and look up a few recipes
online for roasted
and chicken pot pies.

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