Wednesday, October 13, 2021

by the time we got to woodstock

i was a roadie
for the band,
ten years after, at woodstock.
i helped them
with the jack daniels
and drum sticks,
guitar pics
when alvin lee would go wild
on a song.
it's where i met my wife,
the first of many.
moon glow was her name.
someone in the crowd,
named Jimmy Jesus married us.
we made up our vows
on the spot. using beer tabs
for rings.
she had eyes
like christmas ornaments.
a bright blue,
long straight hair
the color of wheat
and legs that went from
here to there.
i felt like i was always
talking to her belly button.
we had fun, but
it didn't last long.
three days, exactly,
then she road off with 
jimi hendrix as soon as he
finished his version of
the star spangled banner.
who could blame her?
i think i saw her working
a wal-mart the other day,
as a cashier, still as happy
as ever. and strangely still
wearing my ring.

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