Tuesday, October 19, 2021

our dearly departed

bored with the sports
page you turn your attention
to the obituaries
in the metro section
holding the black and white
that look like they were
taken by Mathew Brady.
very boring summaries
of people's lives.
born, raised, kids, jobs,
who's left behind.
he liked to whittle, or she
liked to bake pies.
they were the best people
to ever walk the earth.
yadda yadda yadda.
every one is a saint when
they die.
but the truth is different.
some people were very cranky.
hard to to get along with.
they smelled bad sometimes.
they were cheap
and ungrateful. mean souls
who never smiled.
no one gets up at the end
and says
the truth about them.
the times they kicked the dog,
or lied.
cheated on their taxes
or wives.
no one says
that he or she was a very
strange person,
hard to get along with and
truthfully, i won't give her
a second thought now,
now that she's died.

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