Sunday, February 16, 2020


we are investors.

we put money in the bank.
we hand
it over to millennials to make
our retirement safe.

we throw pennies into the jar.
we buy clothes that will last,
shoes that can be

we get our blood pressure checked.
we make sure the water
is turned off for winter.

the dog has it's shots.
we get our teeth cleaned to prevent

we invest in the yard.
sod and seed.

we do cross word puzzles
to keep our brains
in order.

we cut coupons and look for
discounts. we're investing,
we're looking towards a future.
it's not greed.

we tuck in the children,
we check their home work,
find books that they'll read.

we give flowers and cards.
we buy gifts for loved ones.
we invest in their hearts
our desires, our needs.

we are squirrels in the woods
burying acorns
for when it snows.
for winter says no more.

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