Monday, June 10, 2019

What Love Isn't

there is a lesson
in everything that happens
to us, good or bad.
a quiz or test
may follow
accordingly, so study
cram for the exam.

stay up all night and burn
the mid night oil.
take notes.
have a study partner
if that helps.
each love, each loss,
each left or right turn,
a lesson.
a life lesson.
mistakes are made,
detours. we've allowed
into our lives.

you learn what love is.
what it isn't.
it certainly wasn't
the last time around.

I will get an A on this one.
I've been up all my life,
all night,
especially lately,
getting ready for this
test. no need for a cheat
sheet, or answers on the palm
of my hands.

bring it on. my number
two pencil is sharpened
and ready to write.
I've learned the hard way
and now I
understand, this time i'll
ace the test. every
answer will be right.

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