Thursday, June 20, 2019

start here

we go back to child birth.
the first slap,
the bright lights,
men and women in masks.
what's going on here?
already with the deception.
they hand you off
like a loaf of bread
from stranger to stranger.
where's mom,
where's dad, what the hell
is going on here.
I need milk in a bad
I was safe and warm,
snuggly for nine months,
now this?
it gets worse.
before you can think for
yourself, they're telling
you about santa claus,
the easter bunny,
the tooth fairy. they tell
you that you can be whatever
you want to be in this
life. go to school.
be good. they make lots
of promises they can't keep.
you'll meet the girl
of your dreams, get married
have children.
it's a piece of cake,
a slice of pie.
hush little baby, don't
you cry.

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