Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My Personal Censor

i finally get all my channels
back on the tv.
Netflix and Prime,
Starz and HBO. Showtime.

i was not permitted to watch much
a few months ago, unless it was
an animated feature
by walt Disney,
or mass on the catholic channel.
or a show about bugs, or owls
in North Dakota. perhaps
a special on camels in Timbuktu.
lots of public tv.

it's been a while since I've
seen some of my favorite shows,
or a football game.
there is so much to catch up
on. i need more popcorn
and a bigger bowl.

come on over, I've got fresh
batteries in the remote.
let's watch a show, or two or
three, what the heck,
take your shoes off,
let's binge, let's watch
until the sun comes up.
here we go.

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