Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Making Stew

she asks me how do you make
so I tell her
in exacting detail.
I tell her about the chopping
of vegetables.
the beef stock.
the meat. oh, I tell her,
the meat is so important,
kosher steak cubes are
the best.
don't scrimp on the meat,
I say again,
banging my hand on the table.
salt and pepper,
red wine.
potatoes of course.
a bay leaf. some other
ingredients too. but you need
all day.
you have to braise,
you have to boil,
you have turn the heat down
low and let everything
come together.
tasting it as the hours
go by.
then by dark, there you
go. crusty bread, more wine.
sit, let me get you a bowl.

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