Friday, June 14, 2019

we have a pool

they talk a lot about
their pool.
it comes up in every conversation
this time of year.
the new pump,
the new motor, the leaves,
the debris
from winter floating
on the surface.
how it needs to be skimmed
and vacuumed,
the tadpoles,
the frogs, the birds,
the litter.
they talk about how many
gallons are needed to fill it
to the brim.
then there's the filter,
and board,
the chemicals needed.
they spend much of their summer
tending to the pool.
getting it ready for parties,
for friends.
come over soon, they tell you
time and time again.
the water is
nearly warm enough,
it's clean, it's clear,
come over, bring your suits,
you must come
over and take a swim.

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