Saturday, April 6, 2019

the final curtain

when the curtain finally
the audience stands and gives
a mild
it was exhausting, this play,
this drama.
it was a story
of love
and betrayal, lies and deception.
not a single
hero in the mix.
not a good person to look
up to
and admire, or trust.
all hiding their true selves
in cloaks
of religion and politeness.
the cast of characters were
all flawed
to the nth degree, and you
knew where the tale
had to go. you knew from the first
word spoken how
it was going to end.
all that for this, you say
to yourself as you grab
your coat, and hat,
and cane,
what purpose was there to
any of it, what was the point
of all that pain.

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