Saturday, September 14, 2024

the endless mind numbing nonanswers

the moderators
the candidate, so, what
will you do,
to bring down inflation
if you are elected to be President?
you have
two minutes.
and away she goes.
as we all know,
when i was a little girl,
we had
we were poor, we lived
in a town
where people liked
to work on their lawns.
you know,
cutting the grass, weeding,
the hedges, if you
had them.
which we didn't, because
as i said we were poor.
we had one tree in our yard
that we used
to climb.
i have wonderful memories
of climbing that tree.
we did what we could
to make
ends meet. sometimes bringing
our own lunch
to school.
my sister and i had bunk beds,
can you believe that?
and by the way,
i'm all for small
giving them the opportunity
to grow. i want to help
them grow
by giving them money.
i've never had a real job,
or run a business, but
i think we should crank up
the printing presses
at the Treasury Department
all day
and all night,
until everyone has enough money.
work is hard
after all
and some people have
to do it all their lives.
did you know i once worked at
Mcdonald's, i think i did, at least.
as we all know. we need
to give people more money.
okay? okay?
umm, the question was what will
you do to bring down inflation,
but okay, your time is up now.
we have another question you for you.
if you were a tree,
what kind of tree would you be.
you have ten minutes.
oh my goodness, she says.
i'm so glad you
asked me that.
as you know, when i was a child
and we
were very poor,
we had one tree in our
back yard.
who doesn't love a tree, right?
what bird doesn't like
a tree,
or a dog,
or a squirrel.
the tree gives you shade
in the summer, and sometimes
there's fruit on it,
or berries of some sort.
i love all trees.
and if i'm elected i'm going
to personally
plant more trees on the 
white house lawn.
thank you again for that question,
and by
the way are you coming over
to the house
this weekend for the party?

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