Wednesday, September 11, 2024

in the early morning rain

you wake
up in a strange room,
with a stranger
you've known for only hours.
it's raining.
of course it is.
the room smells
like smoke and beer.
it's 1979.
you sit up
and look at her, she's sleeping.
you find
your clothes,
change falls out of your
pocket, buttons are missing
from your shirt, but
you don't care.
you find your car keys.
you want to say goodbye,
but you can't remember 
her name.
then she awakens,
and rubs her eyes and asks
if you're leaving.
will i see you again?
you tell her of course,
of course i will.
you go to the window
to see if your
car is somewhere
out there,
then you ask her,
what's the best way to get
back to the beltway
from here?

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