Tuesday, September 3, 2024

our education system

maybe it started
when kids no longer
the Our Father in
the morning, at school,
or stopped
reciting the pledge of allegiance,
standing up
to face the flag,
as it was said over
the P.A. system.
or maybe it was when everyone
became a winner,
there were no losers
when it became less about learning
and more
about grades.
participation trophies,
for all.
no dress code,
no discipline, just hugs,
no banging
erasers against
the back of school walls,
or perhaps when spelling
didn't matter,
or cursive writing,
or math.
maybe it was when they 
corralled the kids
in open
rooms, rooms without walls.
or fed
them Adderall,
or when everyone
had a cell phone.
somewhere in there it all
fell apart.

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