Friday, September 6, 2024

not my first rodeo

i never say,
it's not my first rodeo.
i don't know the first thing
about a rodeo,
or how to lasso a cow.
riding a bull?
are you kidding me?
i've never been on a horse,
a donkey yes,
up to Santorini, but not
a real horse
like Trigger,
or Mr. Ed, or Secretariat.
horses scare me.
with those iron
shoes on their feet, their
big brown questioning
have you ever seen the size
of their teeth?
they could bite
your arm off in two seconds.
and they could go wild at any
moment. kicking
you into the next county.
my friend Laurie who loves
horses has more broken
bones in her body than
a cage fighter.
her riding helmet
has dents in it.

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