Tuesday, September 10, 2024

last minute debate instructions

we hear
them in the back room 
frantically giving
last minute
before the debate.
remember don't do that laugh
thing that you
that weird cackle,
where your eyes
roll up into your head,
and don't point or 
wag your finger
like a school marm,
or go off on
about coconuts, or
yellow school buses,
or unburdening
what has
been burdened.
don't be soft, but don't be
mean either.
flip flop all you want,
don't worry,
people are basically pretty
and have poor
memories. it's not about
the issues
anyway, it's all about image.
here, let me wipe that
tabasco sauce
off your chin.
come on. you can do this.
straighten up
your pant suit,
down one more glass of wine,
and get out there.
we're in it to win.

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