Wednesday, December 14, 2022

going along for the ride

i always
wondered why people of
a different faith,
or no faith
at all
put up a Christmas tree
for Christmas.
they nail a wreathe to
the door,
exchange gifts
and hang
on the mantle.
they string lights around
the house.
They don't believe in
or that Jesus
is the Son of God,
savior of the world,
but they go along
with the festivities just
the same.
why, because it's fun?
the singing, the food,
the opening of presents,
the office party,
the punch bowl
full of rum.
my father who never
stepped inside a church
or prayed,
used to win the neighborhood
Christmas yard decorating
every year.
he called religion a bunch
of malarky, but
there were the three wise men
in his yard, a manger,
the baby Jesus,
Mary and Jospeh,
colored lights
and elves, Santa on his
sleigh and behind him
all those reindeer.

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