Thursday, April 23, 2020

no place like home

I used to complain

about the ex wife, the ex girlfriend,
all the ex's.

was it all their fault?
I toss that idea around in my head

as I look out the window
at a bird
pulling a worm out
of the ground.

what's my part in these train
wreck relationships?

or am I victim shaming myself.
how do I even know
concepts like that?

books therapy the internet.

I don't know. maybe I wasn't
hugged enough as a child,
I suppose. who is?

and if you're hugged too much,
well, that's a problem too.

insecurity, lust, wanting the drug
high of a crazy
woman? maybe.

it's a tangled web, this love
thing. but I put the complaining

for awhile. i'll come back to it
i'm sure,
from time to time.

it feels like home, chaos,
mayhem, insecurity,
deception and lies.
home sweet home.

and there's no place like home.
there's no place like home.

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