Wednesday, March 11, 2020

i resign

I send in a letter of resignation
to my family.

I revoke my membership
and will no longer be attending any

gatherings, whether Christmas,
thanksgiving or other

assorted holidays, or birthdays.

I will no longer attend weddings,
funerals and reunions.

or be sending gifts,
greeting cards,

or fruitcakes to anyone I am
related to by blood.

I will no longer be bailing you out
of jail,
or visiting you in the hospital,
or clinics.

and I hope that all of you will respect
my decision
and lose my address and phone number.

i'm done.
it's over. it's been nice knowing
most of you,

but I can't take it anymore.
you people are on your own

with your multitude of troubles,
drama, unsolvable grudges
and gossip.

check, please. i'm out.

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