Monday, March 23, 2020

the old is in

i move things around a bit
to get
a better

feel, a better look
when coming home.

a new vase, with flowers.
for the hall.

new is good sometimes.
but old

is fine too. the comfort of an
old shoe,
an old sweater.

old friends, hearing their
voice on
the pone again.

the comfy chair
with all it's dents and bruises,

and frayed edges, that too
can be sublime.


Di said...

Ah. . .your nemesis appears. Your old friend, the apostrophe coming home again.

Di said...

I know you are saying: Get this editor off my back. No worries. Taking my car into the shop. I am burning oil and what the hell --I don't need it right now. Touch base later!

Di said...

Like the sole of the shoe gone
paper thin.
I swear I don't remember writing the above comments. How the hell are you, my friend?