Tuesday, March 10, 2020

fun for the whole family


family is dysfunctional.
from top
to bottom,
although the level

of dysfunction varies on a scale
of one
to a hundred, and beyond.

there are no norman Rockwell
there is no little house
on the prairie.
no brady bunch.

no father's knows best.
or wally and the beave.

there are no family dinners without
hell breaking

or grudges being acted out on,
knives pulled,

guns pointed. family reunions.
forget about it.

is it the world we live in?

technology, tv, videos, sugar?
who the hell knows
anymore what
makes so many people

fucked up and unable to change.
the list of psychological

could fill a Chinese menu.

they are
forever trapped in their
crazed world, making those

to them a bundle of hot nerves.
the best you can do

is run, avoid contact, or bail
before it all goes down
in flames.

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