that i left on the side of the road,
out of gas.
the car
that when it rained
the trunk
would fill with water.
the car
that wouldn't start,
the one
that the wheels shook
i drove it on the highway,
the car
that leaked gas,
the one i couldn't get the smell
out of.
there was the car
that was stolen,
the one that had the window
the car with torn seats,
a broken mirror,
the one with the headlights
pointing left.
the car i drove
to the drive-in theater.
the car i lost my virginity in.
the car i dragged empty beer cans
after the first wedding.
the cars with flat tires.
the car i washed and waxed
every Saturday.
the car i fixed.
the car i couldn't fix.
the car i have now
that i can't figure out
what all the buttons
are for.