Saturday, January 18, 2025

watching the big game with Amber

thrilled that my
favorite team was in the playoffs,
i invited
my new love interest over to watch
the big game.
she was a former cheerleader,
and currently
a yoga instructor
at the local
community center.
she brought
the chips and cheese over,
the wings
and wine.
gluten free cupcakes for dessert.
we snuggled on the couch,
giving each
other a high five,
and then
the game started.
it wasn't long though before she
asked me
what the lines on the field
were for.
and why do they kick
the ball sometimes
and other times they throw it.
how come they
keep running the ball up the middle
where all the other
players are?
they don't seem to go anywhere
when they do that.
and who are those men
in striped shirts like zebras,
with the whistles.
they act like they're the boss
of everyone?
i looked deeply into
her beautifully vacant
blue eyes and sighed,
then went to the cupboard
for the tequila
and shot glasses.
thankfully she had other
for halftime.

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