Friday, April 5, 2024

the retirement community over 60

the lawns are perfect.
trimmed, and emerald
it's as beautiful as any
cemetery i've ever seen.
there are two fountains
in a circle
of stone
embracing water.
the clubhouse is grand,
it sits in the middle with
French doors
and gables.
did it somehow slide
down from Alps
and end up here
in Dumfries Virginia?
to the left is the Olympic pool,
to the right
are the courts for pickleball.
twelve in all.
reserve early. don't be late.
the golden
haired ladies, bejeweled
in white
shorts and dresses,
with their hair and nails
done are aglow in a light
and silvered men
with richly tanned
bellies run gently from
the side to side with paddles.
it's not over, not yet.

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