Monday, April 1, 2024

Susan's Trans Am

i was nervous
with her behind the wheel
of the car,
an engine that powerful,
more nervous than a cat
in a room
full of rocking chairs.
if she saw a red light up ahead,
she increased her
speed trying
to time the green.
she ate and drank when
she drove,
and sang to songs
on the radio.
she did her make up in
the mirror.
the windows were always
no mater the weather,
rain or snow,
or in the desert with
the wind blowing sand.
sometimes i'd crawl into
the back seat,
and curl up into a fetal
position, take out my rosary
beads and pray.
she laughed at me and made
clucking noises,
as i listened to the police
sirens on the way.

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