Sunday, September 17, 2023

five dollars a night

the worst
hotel i ever stayed in 
was on
the boardwalk
in ocean city, Maryland.
the Broadmoor.
a home for run aways
and drunks
for the most part.
five dollars a night.
no sheets,
no pillows.
beat up and stained
old mattresses
with prison stripes.
bunk beds.
there were
open windows with
no screens.
a bathroom down
the hall
shared by the whole
with a toilet that had
trouble flushing.
but the view was great.
we could see
the boardwalk,
and the beach,
the ocean stretched
out from side to side.
a nice breeze would flow
through the window
holding the aroma
of fried chicken and
French fries.
the sugary clouds of cotton
it wasn't a room for
sleeping necessarily,
it was more of a place
to pass out.

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