Saturday, September 30, 2023

what kind of cheese?

when i open
the door
to let some air in,
a woman
walking by with her
says to me, hey,
what are you cooking
in there.
it smells good.
i shrug,
oh, just a burger.
actually a cheese burger.
i can smell it
out your window,
she says,
the dog is looking at me
as it raises it's
leg to pee in my yard.
i tell her.
not knowing what to
say next,
well, i should go in
and eat.
are you putting onions
on it,
she asks.
what kind of cheese?
what about condiments?
lettuce and tomatoes?
of course i tell her, trying
to step back
into the house
to close the door.
what about potato chips?
no chips?
nope. i'm so disappointed,
she says.
i love fries.
but i bet you're going to have
a beer with it, right.
an ice cold beer.
just some ice tea
i tell her.
the dog is pulling at the leash,
sensing my anxiety.
thankfully the smoke alarm
goes off.
it's ready, bye. i quickly
shut the door
and turn off the burner on
the stove.
i see the woman out the window,
still looking in.
sniffing the air.
you should really have
some fries with it, she yells

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