Saturday, September 30, 2023

what's up with babies?

what's up with babies?
when do they
start dreaming?
is it after a day or two
of being born, 
does it begin once
they've got
some life under their belt?
do they dream
about the nurse or doctor
who pulled them
out of the abyss and into
the light.
do they have nightmares
about their bottoms being
the audacity
here for one minute
and already
they're being attacked.
do they remember the drive
home strapped
inside plastic seat.
the strange world out
the window
going backwards.
they've got nothing,
no clothes, no money,
but a diaper and some
lousy shirt
the hospital put on them.
at what point do babies
get annoyed
or worried and start thinking
about the future.
when do they get
sick of apple sauce again
and again, with
no teeth to bite down
on a rib eye steak
or a ham sandwich.
and mother's milk,
how embarrassing.
the left, then the right?
no chocolate or strawberry?
it's tough being a baby.
having to cry
out every time you wet
your pants, or
you spend all day
staring at the mobile
over the crib making
you sea sick.
you don't even know what
the sea is yet.
there's nothing you can
do when you're too
cold or too hot.
you can't even sit up and
rattle the cage
they've put you
in, or crawl out.
why are they passing me
pinching my cheeks.
everyone looks like giant
it's no wonder that we have
no memory of those
beginning years. it was

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