Thursday, August 13, 2020

the third grade report card

i find my third grade report card
in a box
that my mother had
in her basement.
i read the report.

he's a day dreamer.
seems lost in thought.
stares out the window
a lot.
keeps teasing the girl
in front of him.
pulls her pig tails on
and passes her notes.

strangely he finds everything
unusually funny, 
using humor to
deflect his anxiety
and fears.

he likes to read, and write,
but he
doesn't talk much.
he can't wait for recess
and at lunch
he eats his dessert first.

if he tries, he does well,
but he's just so distracted
by the girls
and what's outside
the window.

he seems bored with 
the school work, except
when i turn the lights
off and read to the class
with their heads
on their desks.

please have a talk with him.
we'd like him to join
in with the rest of the class.
he's too young to be so distant
and aloof.

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