Friday, August 21, 2020

the cat and mouse

a side of you comes out
that you're not proud of.
it's this
sarcastic passive aggressive
that you use when
someone gets under your skin,
one of those
know it alls,
someone who
thinks they're all that
and a bag of chips,
(is that saying still in?)
the adult way to deal
with these people
would be to just go no
contact, or say nothing and
be on your way.
but noooo. i have to sling
some arrows.
make sly
comments that can be taken
any which way.
double entendre,
stabs at an easy prey.
i feel like a cat playing with
a mouse after awhile
and the fun gets old,
so i finally stop. i'm not
happy about that side
of me, it's very juvenile,
and sick on some level,
but honest. really, truly,
i'm working on it, despite

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