Sunday, August 30, 2020

don't be a bad person

i remember getting a book
for christmas
once from my evangelist brother.
the title was something like don't
waste your life.

which got me wondering.
am i wasting my life?
and does it really matter
in the big scheme of things
if you're a doctor,
or lawyer, 
the president or a bum out
on the corner with a sign
begging for money.

the cemetery is filled with
over achievers
and under achievers alike.
same ending.
six feet under dirt.

a better book would be.
don't be a bad person.

you don't want to be remembered
as being
rich and famous,
reinventing the wheel,
but in the next sentence
referred to as a dick.

(sorry, but i just couldn't think
of a more appropriate word)

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