Saturday, August 29, 2020

the big kitchen drawer

i stare into the abyss of my
kitchen drawer
that holds a lot of mysterious

when was the last time i used
a meat thermometer,
or baked cookies
in the shape of a christmas tree
or a snow flake.

who brought that serrated knife
into the house.
i could butcher a small
hog with it.

those long metal needles, what
the hell.

six spatulas, two turkey basters,
three wine bottle openers,
nineteen corks, thirty seven
rubber bands and twelve metal
twist its, or
whatever they're called.

extra large spoons.
extra large forks.
metal things, rubber things.

purple, red, black.
sharp knives that glisten in
the over head light.

old table knives and forks. tongs
of every size.

i'm afraid to stick my hand in.

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