Saturday, August 15, 2020

the new years eve party

he made a special request
to have a port hole painted on
one bathroom wall
of his apartment.
when you're working,
you just do, and don't ask.
the new years eve party was
to start in six hours,
and time was of the essence.
champagne was on ice.
pounds of shrimp
were bagged and ready
in the ice box.  streamers
hung from the ceiling.
balloons too.
i did the best i could.
sketching in the fish,
and bubbles,
the hatch, the flow of green
weeds in the blue water
outside the round plate 
of glass.
it was truly a work of art.
he gave me an extra fifty
bucks for that, but i didn't
get an invitation
to the party. i've always been
a little peeved at that.

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