Tuesday, August 4, 2020

get your life back

as life gets shorter

you start to let go of that cliff
you've been
holding onto, cutting into
your hands,

and you laugh
at the two foot drop.

landing perfectly on your feet,

why in god's name did you stay
in the job for all
those years,
or stay married to that dope

who brought you to tears.

what the hell.
get your life back.

order what you like on the menu.
if you like lasagna,
get it, with extra cheese and meatballs.

forget the strange dish
you've never heard of, with a name
you can't pronounce.

forget the fish, that exotic Indian

if you need a dictionary and a
thesaurus, and a translator 
to read
what's on the list,

go somewhere else.
move, buy a new house.

get a new girlfriend when the other
one's not working out.

it's your life. get busy, or go slow
and sad
into the ditch.

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