Wednesday, September 11, 2019

queen Jane

my dear friend,
queen jane, the drama queen,
is up
in arms
over something. I hear her scream,
plates break,
dishes fly. I see her
across the courtyard
at her man.
she's only happy, when
she's unhappy.
she's hard to understand.
she likes her wine.
her phone.
her lipstick and big hair.
she's stuck
in the eighties, lost
in big shoulders
and mtv glam.
but she's my dear friend
who comes over for a cup
of sugar
in her satin pink robe,
the boys
down at the pool with
her leopard print suit,
and stiletto shoes.
queen jane is a piece of work.
blanche dubois
and betty davis, all rolled
into one,
the queen bee
of the apartment court.

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