Sunday, September 29, 2019

let em run

I think about getting a dog,
but thankfully
that notion passes the second
I see someone
passing by bending over with
a baggie,
their dog on a leash squatting
in the lawn.
I remember how my dog, moe,
would eat
anything dead he found in
the road, then i'd have to
take him to the dog mayo
clinic to have his stomach
pumped, blood work, and
an iv stuck into his little paw.
three thousand dollars later
he was back home, good as new.
yes. I like the wagging of
the tail, the chasing of
the ball. the love they
give without conditions, but
aren't there conditions?
food, water, shelter, sleeping
on the bed?
I think about the hair all
over the place, the stains
in the rug, the chewed
furniture, the barking,
the needs they have that
never seem to get met. selfish,
yes? I admit it. but I've
done my hard time with pets
and come to think of it, wives
too. they're so similar
when you think about it.
who needs the trouble
just for a little fun
and so called companionship.
as soon as they see a crack
in the door, off they go.
let em run, i'm done.

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