Tuesday, September 24, 2019

five things you need to know

the speaker at the mike
has five things
you must do to live a good life,
the woman over there has seven,
that man in a black suit
has nine things you need to do
to be successful.
another has ten.
there are volumes of books on how
to find love, to get love back.
there is a book
on how to win friends
and influence people, how to
be positive in spite
of a careless life. subscribe now,
half price.
six ways to find a husband,
an honest wife.
there are books on love and
wealth, how to get
in touch with your inner
your true self, how to reach
the dead in the great beyond.
if you need religion, dig in,
there's plenty there.
lost and lonely, more than
you'll ever need for a lifetime.
troubled and lost, abused,
confused, conflicted, there's
a hell of a lot on that too.
you tube, therapists, self help.
centers and groups, meet ups,
societies, classes and
gatherings to stroke your needs,
your desires, to make right
all the things
in your life that you've
managed to fuck up. start now,
time is running out,
get well, get healthy, eat
this eat that. go to the light,
be the light.
trust God, trust science,
trust the stars, the planets,
numbers, vibrations, sun spots.
vitamins, sleep, exercise,
deep breathing, sex, drugs
and rock and roll. find a way.
there's at least five, or maybe
more. there's a book out
there on a shelf somewhere
to get you started.

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